Photo Gallery Friday is a regular feature on Travel the Mitten that will help showcase photos from places where one post just isn’t enough to…

ArtPrize Seven kicks off on September 23, and more than 1,500 works of art will be on display at more than 160 venues in Grand…

Photo Gallery Friday is a regular feature on Travel the Mitten that will help showcase photos from places where one post just isn’t enough to…

Photo Gallery Friday is a regular feature on Travel the Mitten that will help showcase photos from places where one post just isn’t enough to…

Michigan Roadside Attractions on Travel the Mitten highlights our attempts to explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways, byways and…

Ludington is a popular all-seasons destination on Michigan’s Lake Michigan shoreline, with visitors coming to see the lighthouses, hike the trails, enjoy downtown’s shopping and…

Michigan has the most of a lot of things – we are blessed with the most freshwater coastline, the most lighthouses, and we also have…

After a successful initial “Brewed For” film and beer series in the spring, Founders and Celebration Cinema have once again teamed up to bring their…

Michigan Roadside Attractions is a periodic feature on Travel the Mitten that will explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways,…

Luke Stier has lived in Michigan his entire life. His name may not sound familiar to everyone in the state, but he is a vital…