Michigan is home to more lighthouses than any other state, and many still function today. They warn of dangerous shoals and reefs and mark dangerous…

Few Michigan lighthouses are as iconic and easily recognizable as the Old Mackinac Point Lighthouse in Mackinaw City, a stunning structure found near the Mackinac…

The Cheboygan Crib Light has been a symbol and source of pride for the city where it lies for decades, appearing on the logo for…

The Round Island Lighthouse is the only structure on an uninhabited island in Lake Huron, yet it is one of Michigan’s most visible and memorable…

There are three islands to the east of St. Ignace in Lake Huron, and while most Michigan travelers are familiar with Mackinac Island it is…

Michigan Roadside Attractions is a periodic feature on Travel the Mitten that will explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways,…

With four of the five Great Lakes bordering Michigan, shipping has always been a major industry here. In addition to large freighters, the waters surrounding…

Port Hope is a small town in Michigan’s Thumb region that is home to approximately 250 residents. What it lacks in current population, however, it…

We’ve mentioned a few times before that Michigan is home to more lighthouses than any other state in the country, but did you know that…