Photo Gallery Friday: Potter Park Zoo in Lansing
Photo Gallery Friday is a regular feature on Travel the Mitten that will help showcase photos from places where one post just isn’t enough to show off everything.
Summer is upon us, which makes it the perfect time to check out one of Michigan’s Zoos or Aquariums. We’ve already featured a few of those places, like Oswald’s Bear Ranch, Binder Park Zoo, Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park, DeYoung Family Zoo and the Sea Life Aquarium. This week we turn our attention to Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, a collection of more than 500 animals and more than 160 different species. The park has recently put more focus on the nearby Red Cedar River and surrounding habitat and presenting the animals and ecosystems of Michigan. You can see big cats like lions and tigers, many different kinds of birds, reptiles and amphibians and more at this great zoo. Here’s a look at some of the upcoming events at Potter Park Zoo:
June 20: Wild 1-Mile – a one-mile run through the zoo for kids 12 and under (8 am)
June 21: Dad’s Day at the Zoo – free admission for fathers on Father’s Day
June 25, July 30, Aug. 27: Zoo Brew Series – an after hours event at the zoo featuring beer and food as well as live music. Classic Rock, Alternative Rock and Jazz (in that order) will be the three featured styles.
July 7 and July 8: Zoo Days – get a voucher at Lansing area Meijer locations for $1 admission and a day of family-friendly games and more.
July 18: Just Chillin’ at the Zoo: see the foods animals are provided with to keep cool in the summer – fish popsicles, watermelon and more.
July 19-25: National Zookeepers Week
July 8: Sundown Safari (6:30 pm) – camping at the zoo for families and small groups along in addition to regular animal observation.
For more information on any of the listed events, visit http://www.potterparkzoo.org/ or check out the zoo’s Facebook page. The zoo is located at 1301 S. Pennsylvania Ave. in Lansing. Now, enjoy some of our favorite pictures from the zoo. Special thanks to Jeffrey and Pamela Hesterly for additional photos.