Michigan Roadside Attractions: Viking Ship Welcome Sign in Norway
Michigan Roadside Attractions is a periodic feature on Travel the Mitten that will explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways, byways and back roads of Michigan, ranging from the interesting to unusual.
Norway is a city in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with a population of just under 3,000 residents. It lies in close proximity to both Iron Mountain, MI and the Wisconsin border. Us-2 runs through town, and its intersections with M-95 and US-141 are just a few miles away to the west. We’ve already featured one roadside attraction in this area – the Norway Spring – and now we turn our attention to the Viking Ships that welcome visitors into town as they head west on US-2 or north on US-8.
The city of Norway traces some of its heritage back to Vikings, and holds a Leif Erikson Fall Festival each year to celebrate that history. This year’s festival takes place from Oct. 9 – Oct. 11 and events will include a parade, the crowning of “Miss Norway,” art, music, and more. For details, head over to http://leiferiksonfest.com/. The pictures in this post show the brown ship that can be found on US-8 between US-2 and Piers Gorge Rd. Check it out if you’re in the area to visit Piers Gorge State Recreation Area, Fumee Falls, or the Iron Mountain Iron Mine.