2024 Birds of Michigan Photo Gallery

2024 Birds of Michigan Photo Gallery

2024 was another great year for our birdwatching here in Michigan. As we traveled around the state this year we were able to visit more than 25 “new to us” nature preserves and parks, while also returning to many of our old favorites. We spent quite a bit of time near Lake Michigan in Grand Haven and Muskegon, near Lake Huron in Mackinaw City and Cheboygan, and in the eastern Upper Peninsula. This was our first year using the Merlin app on our phones, which was incredibly helpful in identifying bird calls while we were out and about. Now that the year has come to a close, we take a look back at some of our favorite bird photos from 2024. Our 2024 Birds of Michigan photo gallery below identifies each bird as well as the month and location where the photo was taken. Some of these were first-time sightings for us and we can’t wait to make birdwatching more of a focus in 2025!

This juvenile American Redstart was at Sable Falls (Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore) in June.

A Bald Eagle on the Lake Superior shoreline near the Marquette ore dock in June.

That same Bald Eagle taking flight in Marquette in June.

Bald Eagle near the Fort Gratiot Trail in Port Huron, September.

A beautiful Barred Owl at Hofma Preserve in Grand Haven at the end of August.

A Barred Owl in our backyard (Wyoming, MI) in April.

A photogenic Black Capped Chickadee at Hofma Preserve in Grand Haven, May.

Blackburnian Warbler at De Tour Peninsula Nature Preserve at the beginning of June.

Bluebird keeping a watchful eye on us at Otis Farm Bird Sanctuary (Barry County) in June.

A lineup of Canada Geese at Arcadia Marsh Preserve, July.

Canada Goose at Blandford Nature Center (Grand Rapids), April.

Cedar Waxwing at Rotary Island Park in Sault Ste. Marie, August.

Eastern Kingbird at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve, June.

This Great Blue Heron posed for us at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve in June.

We spotted this Great Blue Heron at the Stu Visser Trails in Holland this October.

This Great Blue Heron looked skyward after catching and eating a fish. Woldumar Nature Center, June.

Green Heron at the Stu Visser Trails in Holland, August.

A pair of Killdeer in a parking lot near the Menominee North Pier Lighthouse, June.

A mother Mallard and babies at the Oden State Fish Hatchery, June.

Common Merganser mom and eight babies at Superior Falls, June.

A Mute Swan surveys the scene at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve, June.

Mute Swan reflection at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve, March.

Northern Flicker at Portman Nature Preserve (Van Buren County), April.

Osprey stands guard near its nest south of Sault Ste. Marie, August.

Pileated Woodpecker at KLH Dunes Preserve (Grand Haven), November.

Purple Finch pair at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve, March.

Red Tailed Hawk near the Fort Gratiot Nature Preserve (Port Huron), September.

This Red Winged Blackbird made its presence known at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve in March.

This Ring Billed Gull was spotted in Mackinaw City in September.

At the end of March, this American Robin posed at Muskegon Lake Nature Preserve.

This Sandhill Crane blended in well with the scenery at Hofma Preserve (Grand Haven) in August.

A Song Sparrow singing at Hofma Preserve (Grand Haven) in May.

Seeing this Sora was a first for us. Hofma Preserve (Grand Haven), May.

We saw lots of Tree Swallows at Otis Farm Bird Sanctuary in June.

Yellow Warbler at Hofma Preserve (Grand Haven) in May.

Yellow Warbler seen from the Nara Nature Trails Boardwalk in Houghton, June.