Michigan Roadside Attractions is a periodic feature on Travel the Mitten that will explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways,…

William McKinley was the 25th President of the United States, and was in the beginning of his second term when he was assassinated in 1901. A…

Most Michigan towns of decent size have a historic local bridge. Portland in Ionia County has four historic bridges, and you can drive across one…

Michigan Roadside Attractions is a periodic feature on Travel the Mitten that will explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways,…

Michigan Roadside Attractions is a periodic feature on Travel the Mitten that will explore the many interesting things that can be found on the highways,…

You may have noticed that we have a slight fascination with Michigan’s bridges (see our Historic Bridges of Michigan page) and we recently visited one…

Photo Gallery Friday is a regular feature on Travel the Mitten that will help showcase photos from places where a few pictures just aren’t enough…

2020 was a record year for a handful of national parks across the country, and three of the parks that saw record crowds were here…

Few wooden covered bridges remain in Michigan, and very few of those that remain (four by our count) are open to vehicle traffic. The Fallasburg…

The Portage Lake Lift Bridge (Houghton-Hancock Bridge) is one of Michigan’s engineering marvels and the only connection between Houghton and the rest of the Keweenaw…